Children's Advocacy Center
What is a Children's Advocacy Center?
Partners' Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) is a nationally accredited center that provides a child-friendly, neutral, and safe location for child and adolescent victims and witnesses of child abuse, neglect, and other crimes to receive *Forensic Interviews and specialized evidentiary medical examinations. CAC's work to also provide non-offending family members with support services, including crisis intervention, mental health and referrals to other services.
*Only law enforcement can refer a child for a Forensic Interview and they must be present the time of interview.
CAC Mission:
Partner's CAC goal is to reduce trauma to a child/adolescent by:
- Providing competent and quality child abuse services to child/adolescent victims.
- Providing onsite comprehensive child abuse examinations.
- Providing quality Forensic Interviews to reduce the number of interviews a child/adolescent victim/witness receives.
- Coordinating and working with a Multidisciplinary Team to ensure the child and family receives proper services.
How to prepare you child for their CAC visit:
- Your child should be informed that the CAC is a safe and child friendly place.
- Children/adolescents should know that they are not receiving services at the CAC because they are in trouble for any reason.
- Encourage your child to tell speak only truthful things.
- Parents be mindful to not talk to your child about what happened, unless the child brings it up themselves.
- If your child chooses to talk to you, remember to be supportive, calm and listen, but do not ask follow-up questions. Leave asking additional questions to the professionals.