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Child Forensic Interview
Child Forensic Interview
What is a Forensic Interview?
- A Forensic Interview is a neutral, objective, developmentally sensitive and leagally sound converstation with a child/adolecent who may have been victim and/or witness to child abuse, violent crimes, and other forms of abuse.
Who Can Refer?
- Only law enforcement can refer a child for a Forensic Interview and they must be present at time of interview.
Why It's Needed:
- Forensic Inteviews create an environment that allows a child/adolescent to feel safe and provides them with an opportunity for their voices to be heard.
Who Talks to Your Child:
- A specially trained Child Forensic Interviewer speaks to your child about what may have happened to them.
What to Expect at Your Visit:
- The Forensic Interview is conducted in a child friendly room, by a neutral and unbiased Forensic Interviewer. The interviewer is specialized and has advanced training in the field of Forensic Interviewing.
- Only the child and the Interviewer are present inside of the room when the interview is taking place.
- Prior to the interview starting, the interviewer may meet with the non-offending caregiver.
- Non-offending caregivers are not allowed inside the interview rooms or observation rooms, in order to preserve the integrity of the investigations.
- Investigators and multidisciplinary partners will observe the interview from a separate room, as the interview is in progress.
- Non-offending parents and caregivers are provided the opportunity to speak with an Advocate while the interview is in progress.
- After the Forensic Interview is completed, parents may have the opportunity to speak with the investigators to address any questions or concerns.
- Mental health services may also be available for the child and non-offending caregivers.