Parenting Support
Staff at Partners with Families & Children work together with families to develop relationships based on equality and respect, to enhance a family's capacity to support all members, and to partner to achieve their goals. We believe families are resources to their individual members and to other families, to our programs and to the community. We have various services and programs that assist, educate and advocate for you and your family.
Our programs include:
Incredible Years is a parenting program focusing on involvement in children’s school experiences, promoting academic, social and emotional skills and reducing conduct problems in children ages 6-12.
Guiding Good Choices (GGC) is a drug use prevention program that empowers parents to guide their children through the challenges of early adolescence.
Circle of Security is a relationship-based early intervention program designed to enhance attachment security between parents and children.
For questions or further information, please contact our office at (509) 473-4810