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Medical Examinations / Consultations
Medical Examinations
Why Is A Medical Exam Needed?
- When child abuse is suspected, a medical examination may be requested.
- Physical abuse, sexual abuse and neglect are all reasons that children are seen at the Children’s Advocacy Center (CAC).
Who Sees Your Child?

- Our medical team of Advanced Registered Nurse Practitioners (ARNP’s), Pediatricians and Sexual Assault Nurse Examiners (SANE RNs) are all specially trained child abuse experts.
- At the time of the visit, the medical team will talk with the child and child’s non-offending caregiver.
What To Expect:
- The medical exam process at the CAC includes a head to toe medical examination of the child.
- The appointment may include a non-invasive genital examination of the child, if there are concerns of sexual abuse.
- At the conclusion of the visit, results are reviewed with the non-offending caregiver.
Who Can Refer?
- Law Enforcement, Child Protective Services or other medical providers may make a referral to the CAC for a medical examination.