Success Story
The Partners' model wraps a team of professionals, friends, and extended family members around each struggling family. Our services are designed to build a community where all children are safe and families are strong.
Elaine was using both drugs and alcohol by age 11. She was removed from her home because her mother was physically abusing her and was mentally ill. As an adult, Elaine too lost custody of her children. She could not break the multi-generational cycle of abuse alone. Elaine’s journey back began at Partners, where she played on the floor with her youngest son and learned to be a healthy and nurturing parent.
She received mental health and substance use disorder treatment services, as well as parenting instruction. After ten months, Elaine had turned her life around and her family was reunited. After more than a decade in successful employment with the same company, she now volunteers her time to help others like her, sharing her hope so they too can thrive again.